During the May Board of Directors meeting, the leaders of Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Denton County Transportation Authority and The T provided an update on regional mass transit during a conversation moderated by Dan Johnson, NTC Treasurer and city manager of Richardson.
Some updates on regional transit include:
DCTA Denton County is preparing for dramatic population growth, with a projected population of more than one million residents by the year 2030. With this impending growth and ridership on the rise, it is DCTA’s commitment to offer more alternative transportation options to improve the quality of life where our residents live, work and play. The agency, through partnerships with member cities, is working to increase the density around the A-train rail stations which will result in increased ridership, improved land use and economic growth within the cities along the A-train corridor. DCTA is also leveraging technology as they develop new transit solutions for implementation within communities in the near future.
The T This summer, join in The T’s EasyRide Pass program. EasyRide passes are available in three levels of transit access – LOCAL (T buses only) – 1 ZONE (T buses and West Zone of TRE) – REGIONAL (The T, DART & DCTS services – local and express buses, trolleys, Trinity Railway Express and light rail). The Guaranteed Ride Home Program is available to EasyRide Pass holders to offer rides to your home or vehicle in the event of an emergency or unplanned overtime. You can only participate through your employer, so “Ask Your Boss for a Ride”. Program information is available by calling Rebecca Montgomery @ 817.215.8700.
The low cost, easy-to-administer EasyRide Pass program is the perfect addition to your organization’s compensation program.
DART DART continues reviewing options to put passenger rail on the Cotton Belt sooner than our current Financial Plan target of 2035. The target is 2022. This may involve a phased approach, with Phase I from Knoll Trail in North Dallas to DFW Airport, interfacing with the T’s TEX Rail project at the airport. Phase II, from Knoll Trail to east Plano could come later.
The 2040 system plan update is nearing completion. The update will reflect some of the changes identified in the recent Comprehensive Operations Analysis and develop longer-range plans for bus and rail service.