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Prepare for Storm Season

Storms Coming

Spring in North Texas comes alive with a stunning display of wildflowers, freshly sprouted leaves and a chorus of awakening frogs and crickets. It’s also the height of storm season.

As recent Census data pointed out, there will be many new North Texans experiencing the spring storm season for the first time. And, while Mother Nature may appear wild and exotic, she can turn deadly.

There are many ways to stay aware of the changing weather around us. If you use a smartphone, ensure that your Emergency Alerts are enabled for constant weather monitoring using Location Based Services. The American Red Cross has several free apps available to allow you to monitor severe weather and floods both at your home county and many surrounding counties.

Much like a weather preparedness plan at your home, if severe storms strike while you’re at work, avoid windows and exterior rooms. Follow your organization’s severe storm protocol and go to a low level, internal location. Bathrooms are routinely suggested due to the extra structure of the piping in the walls, but the bottom floor of a stairwell works as well.

Just because spring is the typical storm season here, don’t forget that tornadoes and severe weather can strike anytime – such as the deadly tornadoes that struck Garland and Rowlett the day after Christmas. Awareness and clear thinking is important to ensuring that you and your family remain safe.



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