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North Texas Commission’s 2017 Legislative Priorities


The 85th session of the Texas Legislature began less than three weeks ago, and rather than the typical flurry of activity, there’s been a blizzard. With over 2,200 House and Senate bills filed for consideration so far, our elected officials have a big job ahead of them to focus on what really matters to Texas. Fortunately for North Texans, there’s one organization whose advocacy is rooted in individual know-how from business leaders, chambers of commerce, economic development experts, city and county government officials, and higher education institutions throughout our region.

The North Texas Commission (NTC), a regional, public-private partnership, focuses its advocacy efforts in Austin on pro-growth state tax and regulatory policies that will grow our economy and attract investment. Through this investment, innovation can flourish and fuel additional job growth and business expansion.

“We encourage our policymakers to focus on policy that keeps Texas innovative and competitive, and keeping The Texas Miracle alive,” said James D. Spaniolo, president and CEO of the North Texas Commission.

For more than 45 years, NTC has worked for the common good of North Texans by marketing the economic power of our region, promoting partnerships amongst public and private entities, and advocating on critical issues.

The North Texas Commission’s 2017 legislative priorities focus on smart transportation solutions, sustainable water management, strong education and sensible healthcare policy. Additionally, the NTC Board approved a resolution supporting the Texas high-speed rail project connecting North Texas with Houston. With traffic congestion projected to double in the next 20 years, this project is key to ensuring a robust transportation system as our two regions continue to prosper.

Click here to view a detailed list of the North Texas Commission 2017 legislative priorities.



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8445 Freeport Parkway, Suite 640, Irving, TX 75063

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